One of Linda's nicknames is "Linda for A Little Less Corruption." She has worked for decades to clean up and shake up politics in Texas. Here's how we can, together, clean and shake it up!
Volunteer from home or at the polls. Share this page or any of her videos. It takes 3 minutes to watch all 8 of them. Click here to view them individually or all together.
Call us at 512.697.8809, to help reach voters directly. Yes, she even picks up the phone!
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Stop Rick Perry's water boy, Stan, from buying HD17.
Independent Texan, It's Redundant!
Water! Let's audit and cutback of Vista Ridge, the "San Antone Hose"
Make Growth Pay for Itself
Rein in Appraisals Gone Wild
More Electoral Competition
Get an independent review of growth and the grid
Give Texans the right to vote to end corporate subsidies!