Early Vote Starts Monday, y'all!
For the last ten weeks, Rick Perry's water boy, Stan Gerdes, said he was too busy to speak at the Tuesday candidate forum sponsored by the Bastrop Chamber of Commerce -- our local business community's organization.
What kind of candidate does this? I address it at about 23 minutes into the Bastrop forum on the left below. If anyone was sleeping at that point, they woke up!
I also had the privilege to speak at a forum sponsored by the Lockhart Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Caldwell Area Hispanic Chamber. The video had some sound difficulties at the beginning of the HD17 forum. Scroll to 23 minutes and watch to 35 minutes.
Enjoy watching Democrat Madeline Eden and I speak with civility and respect.
We had dinner together with our supporters following the Bastrop event. It was a lovely evening.
Hats off to all the Chambers for a job well-done!
You can thank them by sharing these events. And you can use them to better inform your neighbors.